A Celebration of Face Filters
DESIGN Lily Boyce
DEVELOPMENT Hebsibal Samuel, Ishita Tiwari, Raagul Nagendran
TEAM LEAD Danielle Carrick
WIRED CREATIVE DIRECTIONMichelle Legro, Alyssa Walker, Camille Bromley, Maili Holiman, Kyle Thomas
AUTHOR Charlotte Shane
Transform a lengthy opinion article into an engaging experience that encourages readers to continue through the end and interact with the elements throughout the page.
The article is all about the joy of face filters, in response to media backlash about their potential danger to our egos and mental health. The design should reflect that joy, and bring the reader into the experience by incorporating interactive videos (while retaining a nonintrusive load time).
Early Concepting
Article Design Mapping
A blend of vibrant colors, dynamic videos, animated gifs, and interactive elements throughout the article highlights the engaging allure of face filters. I aimed to provide readers with a sense of movement and progression by breaking down the text into three digestible sections, each with their own color palette.
A crucial component of the page was the incorporation of videos featuring actual WIRED readers using the described face filters from the article, which allowed readers to feel connected to the content. They’re designed in a phone frame with a swipe-able on/off control, with the same UI patterns that users expect from the apps they use. These were incorporated as GIFs to keep load time low.